The Nomads Outdoors Group Inc.
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Allied Groups
Adelaide Happy Wanderers (South Australia)
The Happy Wanderers is an informal group of predominantly gay walkers that meet monthly and take part in walks, usually in the Adelaide environs.
Bent Kranks Mountain Bike Club - Gay and Lesbian Cycling Group (Victoria)
Off-road non-competitive mountain bike rides in forests. Also bike path rides around Melbourne for different rider abilities. Putting the fun back into cycling for the gay & lesbian community. Bent Kranks is based in Melbourne, Australia.
Bushwalking Victoria (most walking clubs in Victoria)
Bushwalking Victoria exists to serve the interests of bushwalking clubs and bushwalkers in Victoria, Australia. It was formerly known as the Federation of Victorian Walking Clubs.
CosieVic - Clothing Optional Socially Inclusive Events
CosieVic is a regular clothing optional swim, spa, sauna and massage event located in Laverton, where attendees can relax and socialise. CosieVic is a friendly, social, fun, community that hosts lifestyle events. All welcome, no annual membership, entry fee per attendance.
CosmeX - Clothing Optional Spa Massage EXchange
CosmeX is a regular clothing optional spa and massage event located near Castlemaine, where attendees can relax and socialise. CosmeX is a friendly, social, fun, alternative lifestyle event for women and men. All welcome, no membership.
Country Network (all states)
Country Network was founded to foster contact and friendship among homosexual people. Membership is spread throughout rural areas, country towns and cities all over Australia.
Gay Melbourne (Meetup)
Gay Melbourne is a social group incorporating various outdoor and indoor activities including hiking, walking, cycle, tours, dinners, game nights and outdoor excursions for the Melbourne LGBTIQA+ community. Our aim is to provide a safe, friendly, diverse social environment for gay singles and couples to meet, socialise and make new friends. With over 3000 members, it's the members who make this space happen!
Gay Outdoor Club (United Kingdom)
The Gay Outdoor Club operates throughout the UK and provides a wide range of outdoor and indoor sports and recreational activities for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender men and women. These activities include walking, cycling, swimming, badminton, climbing, canoeing, caving, mountaineering, and skiing. GOC has over 1300 members and offers up to one hundred meets per month, in the UK and other countries.
Melbourne Naturists (Meetup)
Melbourne Naturist / Nudist Social Group Meetup is for nudists of all genders, races, ages, sexual orientations and body shapes to find a communal like minded social network in the greater Melbourne area, and throughout Victoria, Australia. Please note that all of the Meetups listed will be non sexual in nature.
Metro East Association Inc
Metro East Association Inc is a nudist leisure club that has been operating since 1980. We have swim nights on the third Saturday of the month from February until November and are a supporter of the World Naked Bike Ride Melbourne.
SCOG - Southern Cross Outdoors Group (New South Wales)
The Southern Cross Outdoors Group Inc. (SCOG) is a group that organises a wide range of outdoor activities for the gay and lesbian community such as bush walking, hiking & camping trips, usually two or three times per month. It is based in Sydney, Australia.
WA Wanderers Bushwalkers (Western Australia)
The WA Wanderers Bushwalkers is a social walking group for gay guys and their friends who are keen to get outside and enjoy Western Australia's countryside. Visitors from out of state or overseas are welcome to join the group walks. The group usually walks on the third Sunday of the month. It is based in Perth, WA.
Wellington Wanderers (Tasmania)
Wellington Wanderers began in 2002 and is an unincorporated network of 250+ lgbtiq Tasmanians and their friends and families who enjoy bushwalking and other mostly outdoor activities together. Activities are held every 2-3 weeks, usually attracting 12-20 people and are based mostly in southern Tasmania. Contact: by email to wellingtonwanderers@yahoo.com.au.