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The Nomads Outdoors Group Inc.

Wonthaggi to Kilcunda walk via Bass Coast Rail Trail

Sun, 4 May 2025
10:30 - 16:00

A pleasant walk along an undulating rail trail through open farmland with some coastal views.

GRADE | LENGTH | TYPE: Grade 2: Moderate, 13 km point-to-point walk, along an undulating rail trail (graded according to the AWTGS: Australian Walking Tracks Grading System).  

ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: After meeting in Kilcunda we will carpool to the restored Wonthaggi Railway Station and Museum (closed today). The station was opened in 1912 and closed in 1978 and was made in Queen Anne style of Hoffman brick and rough casting. From here we will walk along the rail trail taking a short detour through the Wonthaggi Wetlands Reserve. Rejoining the trail briefly we take another detour to view the ruins of the Wonthaggi Coal Mines Central Area. We return to the trail and continue on, crossing the Powlett River near Dalyston. Nearing Kilcunda, we will stop at the Kilcunda Surf Beach, then cross the Bourne Creek Trestle Bridge. We can also visit Elephant Rock before finishing back at the Ocean View Hotel for refreshing drinks or the Kilcunda General Store, next door.

BOOKING: By Friday 2nd May. To register click on Get Tickets.
Unsure if you've already booked? Click View my bookings.

FURTHER INFORMATIONBass Coast Rail Trail;  Kilcunda Ocean View Hotel

MEETING TIME | LOCATION: 10am in the car park of the Kilcunda Ocean View Hotel, 3531 - 3533 Bass Hwy, Kilcunda. 

MAP REFERENCE: Google map goo.gl/24saT5VKz1PJ4amp7

DISTANCE | TIME FROM GPO: 122 km, approximately 1 hour 40 minutes via Monash Fwy/M1 to Pakenham, then C422 towards Koo Ree Rup (bypass), then left onto the South Gippsland Highway M420 then the Bass Highway (also M420) to Kilcunda. Follow Phillip Island then Wonthaggi signs. Alternative route via Cranbourne, about 10 minutes longer.

PUBLIC TRANSPORT: V/Line coach times are not suitable for this event.

FOOD: Carry lunch, snacks and a litre of water.

APPAREL | FOOTWEAR: Comfortable walking boots/shoes and dress according to the weather forecast. Kilcunda/Wonthaggi can be cooler than Melbourne.

LEADER: Paul K. | Email LeaderPaulK@nomads.org.au if you have any questions.
Members can access leader contact details under Members | Leader Contacts when logged in to the website.

Image: Google Maps



Ticket Type Price
Member free ticket PLEASE LOG IN TO GET THIS TICKET. This is a free ticket - only one per member, per event. The ticket is not transferable. You must be a financial member on the date of the event. If you want to take a visitor, you must purchase a Visitor ticket in addition to your Member Free ticket.
* Want to join the club? Click on "ANY Membership Required"
* Is it saying "Membership Required" under QTY, even though you're a member? Click on "LOG IN" below.
* Not sure if you're already booked in? Check your profile.
Any Membership Required* Log in
$0.00 Membership Required
Visitor paid ticket ($5 per person, per event)
This is a paid visitor ticket for non-members, including Meetup members. On check-out you will be asked to provide some basic safety information. Non-members can join the club by clicking on "ANY Membership Required".

WAIVER: By purchasing this ticket, I agree to the following:

  1. I declare that I am at least 18 years of age.
  2. I undertake to observe the Rules and By-Laws of the Nomads Outdoors Group Inc. (the Association) in force at any time.
    ( View the Rules of the group or View the By-laws )
  3. In voluntarily participating in an activity of the Association, I acknowledge that this activity may expose me to risks that could lead to my injury, illness, death or to loss of or damage to my property. I also acknowledge that I may also be found to have contributed to injury or illness or death of others or to the loss of or damage to their property.
  4. I acknowledge that I will take responsibility for my own actions while participating in any activity of the Association.
  5. I agree that no refund is available if I cancel my booking less than 24 hours prior to the event. However, if I cancel at any time due to COVID-19, or the event is cancelled by the leader, a refund will be provided. 
Total: $
Kilcunda Ocean View Hotel
3531-3533 Bass Hwy, Kilcunda VIC 3995, Australia

PO Box 56, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, 8009, Australia