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The Nomads Outdoors Group Inc.

Men's Naturist Bushwalk in the unique Granite Boulder country near Lancefield. Opt'l BBQ & Overnight on a farm.

Sat, 29 Mar 2025
29 Mar 2025 10:30
30 Mar 2025 17:00

Please Note:
The 'Overnight places' are currently Sold Out, with 26 people booked in and 3 people on the Waitlist.
There are a few 'Day Walk Only'
tickets left for Sat and for Sun.

This is a naturist weekend for men, and provides the options of two naturist bushwalks, one on Saturday and a shorter one on Sunday. You can come for the whole weekend, or just for the Saturday bushwalk, or just for the Sunday bushwalk.

The walks are of medium difficulty on nearby farms near the top of the Great Dividing Range. The properties have great views and spectacular granite outcrops. After the walks, if the day is hot we could go for a swim in the local waterhole, or if cold, we can soak in the hot tub/spa or have a warm-up in front of the large open fire. On Saturday evening we will be able to relax with a BBQ dinner, spa, massage, and socialising around the open fire.


  • Saturday: Grade 3: Medium approximately 6 km naturist circuit walk. We will be walking through grassy paddocks and along sheep trails. The hills are moderate and not that steep.
  • Sunday: A shorter Grade 2 naturist walk of about 3 km either to a picturesque native forest, or to the Mollison Creek Gorge with its huge boulders and rock pools suitable for skinny dipping. If arriving for the first time on Sunday, please arrive by 10.30am.
  • Walk gradings are according to the AWTGS: Australian Walking Tracks Grading System.


  • SATURDAY WALK: This walk is for naturists. We will meet and unload the cars at the overnight farmhouse anytime between 10.15am and 10:45am. Hot drinks and nibbles will be available until 11.15am. We will then have a briefing for the day around 11.40am and do a short carpool to the start of the walk. Lunch will be eaten at a good spot along the way when we get hungry. After lunch we will continue on for a bit to get more views and then circle around to get back to the cars to return to the farmhouse. If the day is hot we can then go for a nude swim in the lovely Mollison Creek swimming hole, or if it is cool have a soak in the hot tub. There will be drinks, snacks, cheese and nibbles available at the farmhouse after the walk. It is planned to start the BBQ around 6pm.
  • OVERNIGHT: Optional evening BBQ, overnight, breakfast and lunch at the farmhouse. After the Saturday walk we have been invited back for further naturist socialising at the very comfortable farmhouse with its great open fire. There will also be a spa and massage tables to use. Numbers are limited to 24 for the overnight.
  • SLEEPING: For those staying overnight, there is floor space for 14 people in the house. There is carpeted floor space in the library, lounge room and dining room - please BYO sleeping bag, sleeping mat/lilo, pillow etc. There is a spare double air mattress, a single air mattress, two spare doonas, some blankets, a few sleeping bags and a couple of spare foam sleeping mats at the property. Please email our host Colin, if you would like any of this equipment. If you wish, you can put up your tent on the back lawn. There is also room for campervans etc.
  • BBQ: BYO meat and drinks. Basic salads and bread will be supplied. Dinner desserts or Saturday morning tea snacks would be appreciated.
  • TOWELS: Please BYO towels, about 3 or 4 of them: 1. for sitting on | 2. for the massage table | 3. for your shower or spa | 4. after swimming.
  • BREAKFAST: Breakfast is supplied, including eggs and bacon, cereal, toast and spreads, tea and coffee, and for Sunday lunch there are always plenty of leftovers from the night before.
  • SUNDAY MORNING SHORT WALK: For those overnighters who would like a further walk, or for those who couldn't come on Saturday, we will arrange a short walk either to the Gorge along picturesque Mollison Creek, or elsewhere in the area. Or if you'd prefer, you can relax at the farm on Sunday morning. This will be followed by lunch to eat up the spare food. If you are arriving at the property on Sunday morning (by 10.30am) could you please bring a contribution for lunch after the short walk.

BOOKING: By Wednesday 26th March. However please note that this event often books out early, so it is advisable to book early to ensure a spot. We can provide refunds up to 4 days before the event if your plans change, and possibly even later if there are people on the waitlist.

To register, click on Get Tickets. Choose the ticket that provides the options you wish to participate in.

  • RSVP FOR OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATION: If you wish to stay overnight, you will need to SEND AN EMAIL TO COLIN, our farmhouse host, on LeaderColinP@nomads.org.au  to book your accommodation. Please state what accommodation you would like - floor, tent or campervan. Please also include a contact phone number.
  • Sleeping places in the house are limited to 14.
  • The number of people staying overnight is limited to 24 so that we can all sit down to eat inside the house.
  • There is no limit on tents and campervans.

Unsure if you've already booked? Click View my bookings.

COST: There are three ticket types available for this event. Please choose the ticket that suits your wishes.

  • 1. Walk & overnight with bbq, spa, massage, breakfast: Nomads members $30 | Non-members $35
  • 2. Saturday Walk only : Nomads members $0 | Non-members $5
  • 3. Sunday Walk and Lunch only : Nomads members $0 | Non-members $5

The cost of the overnight tickets covers the cost of a spa for all those staying overnight. For Day Walkers who would like to use the spa before they leave on the Saturday or Sunday could you please pay $5 cash to Colin on the day.

MEETING TIME | LOCATION: On Saturday, any time between 10.30am and 10.50am at the farmhouse 15 km north of Lancefield. The exact address will be sent by 11am on Thursday 27th March to those who have purchased a ticket. We plan to drive off from the farmhouse at about 11.30am.

  • Tea, coffee and snacks will be provided at the farmhouse on Saturday morning. If you'd like egg and bacon sandwiches/rolls and a latte etc before you arrive at the farmhouse on Saturday morning, the best place to get these would be from a cafe in the towns of Romsey or Lancefield.
  • Sandwiches for Saturday lunch are generally available from the Ampol Petrol Station Foodary in Romsey, 29-31 Main St Romsey.
  • Sandwiches are also available at the Liberty Service Station in Lancefield, though the Romsey sandwiches are usually better.

On Sunday you may arrive as early as 9am. However the Sunday bushwalk will organised to leave at about 10.30am.

MAP REFERENCE: Google Map: goo.gl/maps/5tjy71DBz9waYR9a6.

DISTANCE | TIME FROM GPO: 87 km and 1 hour 15 minutes from the GPO. The farm and the town of Lancefield are due north of Tullamarine Airport.

PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Public transport to the meeting place is not available. Please email the leader Russell who can generally arrange a lift for you. The email address to use is LeaderRussellW@nomads.org.au  

FOOD: Carry lunch, snacks and water for the Saturday naturist walk.
BYO meat and drinks for the BBQ on Saturday evening. Sunday breakfast is supplied by our host.

Sunday walkers, please bring a contribution for the communal lunch.

APPAREL | FOOTWEAR: Sunscreen, hat and sunglasses. Wear comfortable walking shoes/boots. A day backpack is useful for carrying your food and water.

LEADERS: Russell W. and Colin P | Email LeaderRussellW@nomads.org.au  or LeaderColinP@nomads.org.au  if you have any questions.
Members can access leader contact details under Members | Leader Contacts when logged in to the website.



Ticket Type Price
MEMBER - WALK & OVERNIGHT with BBQ, SPA, MASSAGE, BREAKFAST ($30 per member) PLEASE LOG IN TO GET THIS TICKET. This is a discounted ticket - only one per member, per event. The ticket is not transferable. You must be a financial member on the date of the event. If you want to take a visitor, you must purchase a Visitor ticket in addition to your Member Free ticket.
* Want to join the club? Click on "ANY Membership Required"
* Is it saying "Membership Required" under QTY, even though you're a member? Click on "LOG IN" below.
* Not sure if you're already booked in? Check your profile.
Any Membership Required* Log in
$30.00 Sold out
This is a paid visitor ticket for non-members, including Meetup members. On check-out you will be asked to provide some basic safety information. Non-members can join the club by clicking on "ANY Membership Required".

WAIVER: By purchasing this ticket, I agree to the following:

  1. I declare that I am at least 18 years of age.
  2. I undertake to observe the Rules and By-Laws of the Nomads Outdoors Group Inc. (the Association) in force at any time.
    ( View the Rules of the group or View the By-laws )
  3. In voluntarily participating in an activity of the Association, I acknowledge that this activity may expose me to risks that could lead to my injury, illness, death or to loss of or damage to my property. I also acknowledge that I may also be found to have contributed to injury or illness or death of others or to the loss of or damage to their property.
  4. I acknowledge that I will take responsibility for my own actions while participating in any activity of the Association.
  5. I agree that no refund is available if I cancel my booking less than 24 hours prior to the event. However, if I cancel at any time due to COVID-19, or the event is cancelled by the leader, a refund will be provided. 
$35.00 Sold out
MEMBER - SATURDAY WALK ONLY (Free, one ticket per member)
PLEASE LOG IN TO GET THIS TICKET. This is a free ticket - only one per member, per event. The ticket is not transferable. You must be a financial member on the date of the event. If you want to take a visitor, you must purchase a Visitor ticket in addition to your Member Free ticket.
  1. Want to join the club? Click on "ANY Membership Required"
  2. Is it saying "Membership Required" under QTY, even though you're a member? Click on "LOG IN" below.
  3. Not sure if you're already booked in? Check your profile.
Any Membership Required* Log in
$0.00 Membership Required
VISITOR - SATURDAY WALK ONLY ($5 per person, per event)
This is a paid visitor ticket for non-members, including Meetup members. On check-out you will be asked to provide some basic safety information. Non-members can join the club by clicking on "ANY Membership Required".

WAIVER: By purchasing this ticket, I agree to the following:

  1. I declare that I am at least 18 years of age.
  2. I undertake to observe the Rules and By-Laws of the Nomads Outdoors Group Inc. (the Association) in force at any time.
    ( View the Rules of the group or View the By-laws )
  3. In voluntarily participating in an activity of the Association, I acknowledge that this activity may expose me to risks that could lead to my injury, illness, death or to loss of or damage to my property. I also acknowledge that I may also be found to have contributed to injury or illness or death of others or to the loss of or damage to their property.
  4. I acknowledge that I will take responsibility for my own actions while participating in any activity of the Association.
  5. I agree that no refund is available if I cancel my booking less than 24 hours prior to the event. However, if I cancel at any time due to COVID-19, or the event is cancelled by the leader, a refund will be provided. 
MEMBER - SUNDAY WALK & LUNCH ONLY (Free, one ticket per member)
PLEASE LOG IN TO GET THIS TICKET. This is a free ticket - only one per member, per event. The ticket is not transferable. You must be a financial member on the date of the event. If you want to take a visitor, you must purchase a Visitor ticket in addition to your Member Free ticket.
  1. Want to join the club? Click on "ANY Membership Required"
  2. Is it saying "Membership Required" under QTY, even though you're a member? Click on "LOG IN" below.
  3. Not sure if you're already booked in? Check your profile.
Any Membership Required* Log in
$0.00 Membership Required
VISITOR - SUNDAY WALK & LUNCH ONLY ($5 per person, per event)
This is a paid visitor ticket for non-members, including Meetup members. On check-out you will be asked to provide some basic safety information. Non-members can join the club by clicking on "ANY Membership Required".

WAIVER: By purchasing this ticket, I agree to the following:

  1. I declare that I am at least 18 years of age.
  2. I undertake to observe the Rules and By-Laws of the Nomads Outdoors Group Inc. (the Association) in force at any time.
    ( View the Rules of the group or View the By-laws )
  3. In voluntarily participating in an activity of the Association, I acknowledge that this activity may expose me to risks that could lead to my injury, illness, death or to loss of or damage to my property. I also acknowledge that I may also be found to have contributed to injury or illness or death of others or to the loss of or damage to their property.
  4. I acknowledge that I will take responsibility for my own actions while participating in any activity of the Association.
  5. I agree that no refund is available if I cancel my booking less than 24 hours prior to the event. However, if I cancel at any time due to COVID-19, or the event is cancelled by the leader, a refund will be provided. 
WAITLIST ticket (free - secure your place in the queue if event booked out) THIS IS A WAITLIST TICKET ONLY to establish your position on the waiting list. You will be contacted if an actual ticket can be allocated to you. $0.00
Total: $
Lancefield VIC 3435, Australia

PO Box 56, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, 8009, Australia